Return Vehicle Lease Checklist

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The time has come; your vehicle lease agreement is about to expire and you have to turn in your car.  Before you do, here is a checklist to help you through the process:

  • Inspect the vehicle, either yourself or a third party,  for excess wear before you return it. If it shows excess wear, you can:
    • Arrange to have it repaired
    • Turn it in as is and be billed for any excess wear
  • Compare your current mileage with your allowed mileage on your contract. This will make you aware of excess charges if you went over your number of allowed miles.
  • Call the dealership where you leased the vehicle from and arrange to turn in your vehicle
  • When you return your vehicle, please bring the following:
    • A copy of your lease agreement
    • All original equipment your received with your vehicle including keys, keyless entry remotes, DVD player, headphones, DVD remote, etc.
    • All documents you received at the beginning of your contract, including the owner’s manual and maintenance guide
  • While you are at the dealership, be sure to complete an odometer statement to document the current mileage on the vehicle.

If you don’t want to turn in your vehicle you have two options. You can either extended your lease or you can purchase your vehicle. Either way you choose the dealership can help you with either decision.