Spark Plug Replacement

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Spark plug replacement is part of the regular maintenance schedule for any gasoline-powered vehicle. Each cylinder has several spark plugs and replacing them on later model vehicles can be labor intensive.

Spark plugs are usually replaced a different mileage intervals. The mileage intervals are all dependent upon the manufacturer's specifications. They need to be changed according to the manufacturer specifications because if they are not they can cause problems such as a rough idle, more fuel consumption, and the vehicle may run rough.

When replacing spark plugs, the engine needs to be cooled off.  Then the ignition wire or individual coil has to be removed in order to gain access to the spark plug. A special tool called a spark plug socket must be used to loosen and remove the spark plug. Once the spark plug is removed then the threads on the spark plug must be treated with an anti-seize thread compound. Finally insert the new spark plug with the spark plug socket and install them by hand until they are tight. Once that is done torque them to the manufacturer's specification and start the vehicle and let it idle to verify that the spark plugs are working correctly.

Since spark plug replacement is part of the regular maintenance of the vehicle be best advised to follow the factory recommended vehicle maintenance schedule for how frequently a spark plug replacement is required. This factory recommendation must be adhered to in order to maintain the validity of your new car warranty and extended auto warranty, if applied. If mechanical breakdown occurs due to the lack of your car's maintenance of the spark plugs, the warranty would not cover the car repair.

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