Fuel Filter Replacement

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A fuel filter replacement is part of the regular maintenance of a vehicle.The fuel filter removes dirt and debris from the fuel system and should be replaced at every 30,000 mile service, but some manufacturers may have their own specifications as to when to change the fuel filter. Also, if low quality fuel has been used, or the vehicle is experiencing drivability problems due to loss of power, the fuel filter should be replaced.

When performing a fuel filter replacement, the engine must be off and cool. Then the lines going to the fuel filter are opened so gas can drain out of the old filter. Finally, a new filter is installed and the engine is "turned over" until air is removed from the fuel lines.

Since replacing the fuel filter is part of the regular maintenance of your vehicle,  you would be best advised to follow the factory recommended vehicle maintenance schedule for how frequently an fuel filter replacement is required. This factory recommendation must be adhered by to maintain the validity of your new car warranty and extended auto warranty, if applied. If mechanical breakdown occurs due to the lack of your car's maintenance of fuel filter, the warranty would not cover the car repair.

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